
Betty - 2003-09-05 16:39:01
Patty, I love your alt tags. I think my favorite is the one for Current Entry ... it's the "most current entry". Thanks for explaining that one. :)
Betty - 2003-09-05 16:39:12
Patty, I love your alt tags. I think my favorite is the one for Current Entry ... it's the "most current entry". Thanks for explaining that one. :)
Patty - 2003-09-06 07:34:09
So nice, she said it twice.
Betty - 2003-09-07 16:13:10
Sorry. You coulda deleted one of them, you know. I hit the "done!" button twice, I guess, cuz I didn't think the first time I hit it hard enough, cuz it was taking forEVER to ... you know ... tell me my comment went through, cuz i have THE slowest computer on earth, so I'm really sorry about that (and I didn't want to take up ANOTHER comment by apologizing for sending the same one twice, cuz then I'd be wasting TWO comments, and that would be piggish). But I do LOVE your alt tags, and I know they take lots of work to make. My "real" favorite is the one for "Rate My Puppy". Amen, sister!
Patty - 2003-09-07 16:22:31
Alt tags are not hard to do but if you're a ditz like me, they can take forever to make. I still fuck up links. I leave out the second set of quotes or I use a + instead of an = so they don't work but since I test every one I make, I fix them when they don't work. Nothing pisses me off more than a broken link. Well, child molesters piss me off more and so s do idiot people who want their dog to have a litter of puppies so ther kids kid can see the miracle of life. I always want to suggest these people take their kids to the local pound so they can be sure to see the miracle of death too.

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