Tiny Hiney


Something To Do With Transexuals
7:38 a.m. - Sunday, Jan. 26, 2003

I had mentioned in a previous entry how I had seen this banner ad on Diaryland and how I wanted to click on it because it mentioned Mormons, Dad and transsexuals but forgot to because I was doing something else at the time. Well, I just now found the diary it was for so I went and read the most recent entry. There was nothing there to make me wanna read further (sorry). But the picture there reminded me of the time Robert Reed played a sex change patient on Medical Center -- you know, that final scene where he is leaving the hospital wearing make up, a skirt, and heels, and carrying a purse. I remember the skirt as being powder blue and having a matching jacket but I could be getting the whole thing mixed up with the ensemble on a guy I saw at Denny's in Hollywood once.

And I am in no way implying that Mary Jane Boy wears his Mary Janes for any other reason than they're cool shoes but this whole men in skirts thing reminded me of the new Mary Jane Shoe Page and how much I really want those red Doc Marten Mary Janes.



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