Tiny Hiney


I'm still pissed off
1:00 a.m. - Saturday, Apr. 19, 2003

I still can't believe this!!!!

UPDATE: Jess started a petition to send to NBC News President Neal Shapiro to protest cancelling Dan's show. Please sign it if you're a fan. Hell, sign it even if you aren't a fan. Thanks!


Today's Friday Five:

1. Who is your favorite celebrity? Kate Winslet, of course!

2. Who is your least favorite? Britney Spears. She does absolutely nothing for me.

3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life? I've seen a bunch at the airport in Los Angeles, like Johnny Carson, Neil Diamond, Meg Ryan, Hal Linden (who was really rude at the baggage claim), Anthony Edwards, Rick James (wearing gold lame!) and others who I can't remember now. My mom is really good at spotting them and saying "hey, there is so & so." Once I was with her and my sister, and we were stopped at a traffic light on Wilshire Blvd in Los Angeles. My mom, who was looking out the window, goes "Oh, look! There's Dr Auschlander!" And sure enough, there he was behind the wheel of another car stopped for the light. She waved at him and he waved back. I'm sorry to say I don't know the actor's real name but he played Dr A on "St Elsewhere." [It's Norman Lloyd.]

I met Tommy Stinson from the Replacements in the bar of the Sunset Hyatt and talked to him for a few minutes. He was completely wasted and I was completely ecstatic over meeting a member of my favorite band at the time.

My favorite celebrity meeting will always be Dan Abrams in front of the courthouse in San Diego. I asked him to sign something (a picture that was taken the last time I met him) and he said sure and then turned to go back to where they had set up to do his show but for some reason took the obstacle course route. I just followed and ended up climbing over all these cable wires while the sound guy was making jokes about them being electrified. Dan was really nice, as usual, and answered my lame questions ("Do you have a Sharpie?" "Is your tie new?" Have you ever practiced law?") without smacking me.

4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not? Not really. I don't think I'd like knowing there were people googling my name at all hours of the day and night. Plus I couldn't take the criticism. I'd be the brunt of the fat girl jokes like Monica and Fergie were.

5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why? Martha Stewart -- because I want her job. Seriously.

Search Engine Hits of the Day: Swanson tv dinner picture, frank's soda philadelphia, nice hiney



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